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Saturday, 26 December 2015

Why continue?

Another year went by and as I appeared for the Mains 2015, I again felt disappointed in myself for not being able to get a confident handle on the demand of the exam. But one finds comfort in the often heard opinion among aspirants, that one can never actually own the exam. One can only enduringly try to.

I cant say I am clairvoyant on all matters, but when it comes to exams, I get a feeling on the outcome. This year, I have a positive feeling and it is not the kind of wishful thinking that I felt last year. But this analysis focusing on exam does not help, as more than often, the result is a surprise. The only question that remains for many, is "Why continue?"

I too was one of those who said, "boss, bas do hi attempt dega, fir kat lega" but now after the exam process has tempered my bravado, I realized the true end to be achieved. That is, public service. The amount of good that one can do through the civil services is substantial compared to the arm chair cynicism or charity. The noble cause of standing up for the right gives purpose and the strength to persevere through the whole process of "gole maro" or prelims and "jaldi likho" or mains and "abey kya bol raha hai?" or interview :)

I wish the best to all comrades who are in this journey towards Normandy. The actual task starts at the shore and there is much work to do after that. But till we touch the shores, lets not get scared by the distractions of fear, attachment or even desire. Lets patiently sharpen our bayonets...

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Shortcut to Forestry for IFoS Mains

Results are out and it is time to ramp up on pace of study and revision. I have not tried C2D(cooperate to dominate) ever till now. So, even last year when I cleared prelims for IFoS, I was on my own in handling Forestry and I realized that the bottom up approach(studying whole syllabus, understanding it and then solving Qs) is quite tedious.

An alternative is the top down approach. Map questions topicwise and study the surrounding areas and concepts. There is lot of repetition in questions in forestry exams so it works out well but the problem is that there is not much authoritative text on forestry. Whatever is available is outside reach of regular book-selling websites.
The go to laundry(very unorganized and sometimes irrelevant and kid-like) book is Manikandan Prabhu. Then there is Handbook of Forestry by LS Khanna and AN Chaturvedi.
Use these books and the internet to answer the questions and revise. It should fetch you enough marks to keep you in the game.

I have put 2010-2013 Qs topic wise and is a sufficient snapshot of Q set to getting decent marks. I recommend preparing these answers and then attempting 2014 paper to get a feel of the paper and that should be enough. Best luck to everyone and as crazyphoton has said... Khelo India!!

Explain the evolution of the concept of plant succession
Importance of plant succession in forestry practices
Briefly describe the merits and demerits of 'high density short rotation' forestry
Enlist suitable species in this regard along with their productivity potential

Section A
1. Silviculture - General :
General Silvicultural Principles :
Basis of forest classification and why is there need for such classfication(refer Manikandan Prabhu)
Define a forest type, discuss different forest types found along tidal swamp forests with their species composition
Give note on how Rhizophra racemosa is managed in mangrove forests of Sunderban

ecological and physiological factors influencing vegetation,
"config of land surface has impact on local climate and wind, which has bearing on forest". Comment
Effect of snow on forest vegetation
Define micro-climate giving suitable examples
Comment on recycling of nutrients in natural forests
What are the sources and nature of elements considered as essential plant nutrients
Short note on----nutrient cycling in natural forests
Compare nutrient cycling in natural forest, agroforestry system and agricultural field. Discuss how it helps sustain soil feritility
Difference between photosynthetic efficiency and nutrient use efficiency

 natural and artificial regeneration of forests;
Explain various factors affecting choice between artificial and natural regeneration with reasoning
Successful regeneration in a forest depends upon silvicultural system
Differentiate clearly between natural and artificial regeneration
Describe manner in which natural regeneration of Teak, Sal, Deodar takes place
What is regeneration stock map? How is it prepared?
Differentiate between artificial and natural regeneration
Explain factors affecting length of regeneration period in a Periodic block. What is its effect on form of crop
How is allotment of areas made in Permanent and Floating Periodic Blocks?
Successful regeneration in a forest stand depends on judicious choice of silvicultural system. Comment

methods of propagation, grafting techniques; site factors;
Difference between site quality and site index
Difference between net primary production and yield

nursery and planting techniques-nursery beds, polybags and maintenance, water budgeting, grading and hardening of seedlings; special approaches; establishment and tending.
What are different types of containers used in raising forest nurseries. List their adv, disadv

2. Silviculture - systems :
Clear felling, uniform shelter wood selection, coppice and conversion systems.
How will you classify silvicultural system? Discuss important features of uniform system wrt Pinus roxburghii and give merits/demerits
Describe method followed to introduce uniform Shelterwood system in a forest where Cedrus deodara is mixed with Pinus wallichiana
Describe Clear felling silvicultural system--nature of crop produced, felling sys, tending, regen, adv, disadv
Briefly describe a silvicultural system in which equal or equiproductive areas of mature crops are successfully felled

Management of silviculture systems of temperate, subtropical, humid tropical, dry tropical and coastal tropical forests with special reference to plantation silviculture,
choice of species, establishment and management of standards, enrichment methods, technical constraints, intensive mechanized methods, aerial seeding thinning.
Enumerate the factors which decide the choice of species for plantation
Explain role of thinning in forestry. What are different methods of thinning followed in regular crops? Discuss in detail crown thinning
Write on impact of felling height and felling intensity on the sustainability of bamboo clump
Comment on failure of forest plantations
Ecological aspects for selecting tree species?
Highlight salient features of : aerial seeding, stump planting
Define forest conversion, explain various situations where it is advisable, general techniques of forest conversion
How do we calculate seed requirement of species while raising nursery, explain method of calculating number of plants required per hectare plantation
Explain following points for nursery management selection and layout, 2.soil working, 3.methods of raising nursery stock, 4.plant protection measures, 5.nursery register
Briefly describe the selection system with particular reference to following
1.character of crop produced, 2.felling cycle, 3.tending, 4. regeneration, 5.adv and disadv
Why do forest plantations fail? Cite relevant examples
"Tropical regions are rich in floral biodiversity as compared to temperate regions." Do you agree
Briefly discuss low temperate injuries in forest trees
What do you understand by the term locality factors? How these affect decisin of plantations undertaken by silviculturists
"conversion" is an accepted silvicultural system, comment
Distinguish between 'tending operations' and 'cultural operations' in forestry

3. Silviculture - Mangrove and Cold desert :
Mangrove : habitat and characteristics, mangrove, plantation-establishment and rehabilitation of degraded mangrove formations;
silvicultural systems for mangrove; protection of habitats against natural disasters.
Explain following mangrove habitats--1.deltaic mangrove habitat, 2.coastal mangrove habitat(east and west coast)
How are mangrove forests managed in India
Suggest measures to rehabilitate degraded mangrove forests
Give zonation of land sea interface in a typical mangrove eco system with its characteristics
Comment on 'mangrove ecosystems have physiologically dry soil'
Illustrate succession of mangrove vegetation in sea coast

Cold desert - Characteristics, identification and management of species.
How and why should cold desert forest ecosystem be conserved

4. Silviculture of trees :
Traditional and recent advances in tropical silvicultural research and practices.
What are traditional practices and recent advances in tropical silvicultural research
Silviculture of some of the economically important species in India such as
Acacia catechu, Acacia nilotica, Acacia auriculiformis,
Albizzia lebbeck, Albizzia procera, Anthocephalus Cadamba, Anogeissus latifolia, Azadirachta indica,
Bamboo spp, Butea monosperma, Cassia siamea, Casuarina equisetifolia, Cedrus deodara, Chukrasia tabularis,
Dalbergia sisoo, Dipterocarpus spp., Emblica officindils, Eucalyptus spp, Gmelina Arborea, Hardwickia binata, Largerstroemia
Lanceolata, Pinus roxburghi, Populus spp, Pterocarpus marsupium, Prosopis juliflora,
Santalum album, Semecarpus anacardium,. Shorea robusta, Salmalia malabaricum, Tectona grandis, Terminalis tomemtosa, Tamarindus indica.

What is reason behind large scale mortality noticed in Dalbergia Sissoo and Acacia Nilotica
Reasons for dying of Dalbergia sissoo
Bamboo 'gregarious flowering' is an indicator of drought. Comment
Difference between gregarious flowering and sporadic flowering of bamboo
Discuss silviculture of following species: Shorea robusta, Bamboo species
Write on economic importance of : Acacia nilotica, Terminalia belerica, Vitex negundo, Madhuca latifolia
Explain role of fire in silviculture of shorea robusta
Describe silvics of Tectona grandis---1.distribution and morphology, 2.silvicultural characters, 3.silvicultural system and mgt, 4. utilization
Describe silvics of Casuarina equisetifolia---1.ecology and dist, 2.propagation and mgt, 3.functional uses, 4. pests and diseases
Acacia catechu and Prosopis juliflora have emerged as important species for marginal lands. Discuss briefly
Indian sandalwood(Santalum album) is most valuable wood in India but its silvicultural production is not satisfactory
Discuss above in relation to the phenology of Santalum album and forest laws governing its cultivation and trade
Give climatic requirement, rotation age, spacing, tending operations and yield of 1.Populus deltoides, 2.Casuarina equisetifolia

Section B
1. Agroforestry, Social Forestry, JointForest Management and Tribology :
Agroforestry - scope and necessity; role in the life of people and domestic animals and in integrated land use, planning especially
related to (i) soil and water conservation; (ii) water recharge; (iii) nutrient availability to crops; (iv) nature and ecosystem preservation including ecological
balances through pest-predator relationships and (v) providing opportunities for enhancing bio-diversity, medicinal and other flora and fauna.
Explain various components of a hydrological model for an agroforestry system
Agro forestry systems under different agro-ecological zones;

selection of species and role of multipurpose trees and NTFPs, techniques, food, fodder and fuel security.

Research and Extension needs.
Elaborate upon multipurpose tree species ideotype selection criteria
Based on the objectives, what are the different classifications of the 'forestry'
What are fundamental bases for classification of agroforestry systems
What are unique requirements of tree improvement in agroforestry
Describe tree-crop allelopathy in agroforestry
Difference between agroforestry and silvicluture, NTFPs and MPTs
Recent progress in agroforestry research, development in our country for sustainable development
While selecting species for agroforestry, below grouund and above ground interatcions between component species need to be considered, Discuss
Discuss the direct use value of biodiversity
Short note on ---diagnosis and design of agroforestry
What is integrated land use management? Give plan of integrated land management for 10 ha of land in tropics and sub tropics of India
Comment on need of research in agroforestry in India

Social/Urban Forestry : objectives, scope and necessity; peoples participation.
How social forestry differs from other types of forestry
Drawbacks of social forestry program in India
Management challenges in urban forestry are unique compared to other social forestry programs. Discuss
Short note on management of urban forestry

JFM - principles, objectives, methodology, scope, benefits and role of NGOs.
What entry point activities are recommended in JFM
Scope and objectives of forest management, what is impact of restrictions laid down by SC on green felling in forests

Tribology - tribal scene in India; tribes, concept of races, principles of social grouping, stages of tribal economy, education, cultural tradition, customs, ethos and participation in forestry programmes.
What are fundamental characteristics of tribal economy in India
Write short notes on 1.tribal economy, 2.Chola naickans, 3.Gujjars, 4.Gonds
Discuss chars shared by diverse tribal groups all over India
How can we make use of traditional knowledge of major tribes of India in forest conservation(both flora and fauna)

2. Forest Soils, Soil Conservation and Watershed management :
Forests Soils: classification, factors affecting soil formation; physical, chemical and biological properties.

Soil conservation - definition, causes for erosion; types - wind and water erosion; conservation and management of eroded soils/areas, wind breaks, shelter belts;
sand dunes; reclamation of saline and alkaline soils, water logged and other waste lands.
What are specific problems of following wastelands, suggest at least 3 species for planting in each one of them desert, 2.saline and alkaline soils, 3.wetlands, 4.cold desert
How shelter belt and wind breaks help in sand dune stabilization and desert control
Describe briefly afforestation techniques adopted for ravinous lands of Yamuna giving suitable species
Explain different processes of soil erosion, briefly describe them with ex. How vegetation including tree can help conserve soil and water
Discuss factors that inhibit tree growth in alkali and saline soils
How is alkali soil managed for tree species plantation? Write scientific names of 4 tree species suitable for plantation in alkali soils
Difference between shelter belts and wind breaks
Among causes of soil erosion, some are manageable, comment
Difference between erodability and erosivity
What are saline and sodic soils, mention 10 species with scientific names of trees tolerant to salinity

Role of forests in conserving soils.  Maintenance and build up of soil organic matter, provision of loppings for green leaf manuring; forest leaf litter and composting; Role of microorganisms in ameliorating soils; N and C cycles, VAM.
Discuss role of forests in interception, surface runoff, infiltration of rainfall, regulation of stream flow, maintaining soil fertility
Write note on 'role of microorganism and Rhizobium in amelioration of forest soils'
Lopping management and canopy architecture in forests
Difference between endomycorrhizae and extomycorrhizae
Source sink relationship wrt C cycle, write a note
Explain various applications of geo-textiles for soil conservation
Differentiate between endo and ecto mycorrhizae wrt structure and function
Write short notes on 1.carbon sequestration, 2.riparian buffers, 3.forest decline, 4.nitrate pollution
Why is LAI important in deciding the productivity of forest trees? Explain the concept of optimum LAI and how it varies with type of forest and climate
Short note on canopy architecture
Short note on---lopping management
How are ectomycorrhizal fungi beneficial in managing soil borne diseases in forest nurseries? Give examples

Watershed Management - concepts of watershed; role of mini-forests and forest trees in overall resource management, forest hydrology, watershed development in respect of torrent control, river channel stabilization, avalanche and landslide controls, rehabilitation of degraded areas; hilly and mountain areas; watershed management and environmental functions of forests; water-harvesting and conservation; ground water recharge and watershed management; role of integrating forest trees, horticultural crops, field crops, grass and fodders.
What is watershed development? Explain objectives and role in rural development
Discuss factors to be considered for efficient recycling of harvested water
Discuss strategies and plans adopted for treatment of catchment areas

3. Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity :
Environment; components and importance, principles of conservation, impact of deforestation; forest fires and various human activities like mining, construction and developmental projects, population growth on environment.
Describe the anthropogenic causes for forest destruction, how can these be checked
Comment on view that after deforestation, forest fires are most imp cause of forest destruction, give diff types of forest fires causes, preventive measures
What are major ecological considerations in afforestations
What are causes of forest fires? Discuss damage caused to rest by fire along with its control

Pollution - types, global warming, green house effects, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, impact and control measures, environmental monitoring; concept of sustainable
What is global warming? Discuss how it disturbs ecological balance of nature and suggest suitable remedies
Explain : criteria pollutants, pollutant standards index, severance tax, smog
Role of trees and forests in environmental conservation; control and prevention of air, water and noise pollution.
Do forests influence rainfall? How?
Write on tree species for smoke and dust pollution control
Environmental policy and legislation in India. Environmental Impact Assessment. Economics assessment of watershed development vis-a-vis ecological and environmental protection.
Briefly describe the national  legislation on biodiversity, name activities for which states can seek funds from central government
Name the biodiversity hotspots in India, discuss major threats to biodiversity
What do you understand by 'hot spot' in relation to floral diversity, explain methods of ex-situ and in-situ conservation

4. Tree Improvement and Seed Technology :
General concept of tree improvement, methods and techniques, variation and its use, provenance, seed source, exotics; quantitative aspects of forest tree improvement,
Short note on----strategies for conventional tree improvement program

seed production and seed orchards, progeny tests, use of tree improvement in natural forest and stand improvement, genetic testing programming, selection and breeding for resistance to diseases, insects, and adverse environment;
'pollen dilution zones in seed orchards' write a note, discuss various factors affecting its effectiveness, what are other options avlbl in its place
Write short note on seed orchards
Describe various approaches for obtaining genetically superior seed giving advantages of each
Discuss--"even in large expts with many families, heritabilities are not estimated without error"
Short note on ---seed coating and pelletting

 the genetic base, forest genetic resources and gene conservation in situ and ex-situ. Cost benefit ratio, economic evaluation.
What is genetic drift? State and discuss Hardy Weinberg law and its significance
Operational use of vegetative propagation in tree improvement
Discuss use of tree improvement in natural forest and stand improvement
Discuss importance of tissue culture techniques as tool in tree improvement
Describe regression selection method for plus tree selection in even-aged stands
Comment on 'pure stand of forests result in incomplete utilization of the site'
Discuss possibilities of biotechological interventions in tree improvement programs
What is "provenance trial", explain the stepwise procedure for this trial followed in forest species

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Economy previous year questions

Every year new budget, economic survey, new reports, schemes and every one loses their minds. Take a look at the questions being asked and it will soothe your nerves. One can easily and quickly cover economy syllabus by using only 2 sources at center for this topic. Keep NCERT macro as the guiding light and use India Year Book as the supplement. IYB has links in each section, visiting these websites of govt institutions puts a solid print on memory and also gives authentic reliable material which can be found anywhere else in the market.

If interest rate is decreased in an economy, it will---increase the investment expenditure in economy
Which organization brings out World Economic Outlook----IMF
Which are covered under Union budget as non plan expenditure---defence expenditure, interest payments, salaries and pensions, subsidies
Which are associated with 'planning' in India---NDC, Parliament, FC, MORD, MOUD
Sales tax paid while purchasing toothpaste is a ----tax imposed and collected by state govt
Venture capital means---long term start up capital provided to new entrepreneurs
Main objective of 12th FYP is---faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth
Wrt balance of payments, which is under current account----balance of trade, balance of invisibles, foreign assets, SDRs
Facilities beneficiaries can get from services of BCs in branchless areas---enables beneficiaries to draw their subsidies and social security benefits in villages, to make deposits & withdrawals
Purpose of Statutory Reserve Requirements----enable central bank to control amount of advances banks can create, make people's deposits with banks safe and liquid, prevent commercial banks from making excessive profits, force banks to have sufficient vault cash to meet their day to day requirements

PSL by banks in India constitutes the lending to---agriculture, micro and small enterprises, weaker sections, education, housing, export credit(etc)
To obtain full benefits of demographic dividend India should-----promote skill development
Rise in general level of prices may be caused by----increase in money supply, decrease in aggregate level of output, increase in effective demand
Which is included in India's forex reserves----FCA foreign currency assets, gold, SDRs
Balance of payments of a country is a systematic record of --- all import and export transactions of a country during a given period of time, usually a year
RBI regulates the commercial banks in matters of----liquidity of assets, branch expansion, merger of banks, winding up of banks
Increase in Bank rate generally indicates that the----Central bank is following a tight money policy
In India, deficit financing is used for raising resources for----economic development
Most inflationary among----repayment of public debt, borrowing from public to finance a budget deficit, borrowing from banks to finance a budget deficit, creating new money to fiance budget deficit
Which banks grant direct credit assistance to rural households---RRB, Land Development Banks, NABARD
Which of following constitute Capital account---foreign loans, FDI, portfolio investment, private remittances
Inflation benefits debtors, hurts bond holders
Disguised unemployment--->marginal productivity of labour is zero
Decreasing order of liquid assets ---currency>demand deposit with banks>savings deposits with banks>time deposits with banks
OMO refers to----purchase and sale of government securities by RBI
Supply of money regaining the same when there is an increase in demand for money, there will be---an increase in rate of interest
National income of a country for a given period is equal to----money value of final goods and services produces

Which are essentially parts of 'inclusive governance' --- estb effective DPCs in all dists, increasing govt spending on health, strengthening MDMS, permitting nbfc in banking
In nrhm, what are jobs of ASHA---accompanying women to health facility for antenatal checkup, using pregnancy test kits for early detection of pregnancy, providing info on nutrition and immunization, conducting delivery of baby
Multi-dimensional poverty index developed by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative with UNDP support covers---deprivation of education, health, assets and services at household level, purchasing power parity at national level, extent of budget deficit and GDP growth rate at national level
Noticeable features of reco of 13th FC---design for GST and compensation package linked to adherence to proposed design(YES), devolution of specified share of central taxes to local bodies as grants(YES), design for creation of lakhs of jobs in next 10 years in consonance with India's demographic dividend
Recent policy initiatives to promote manufacturing sector---set up of NIMZ, single window clearance, estd TADF tech acq and dvlpmt fund
Order of demographic transition phases: (high birth and death rate)-->(high birth, low death)-->(low birth, low death rate)
8 core industries making up IIP
Janani suraksha yojana is to---(objectives)
RBI acts as banker's bank, which means---other banks retain their deposits w/ RBI, RBI lends funds to commercial banks in times of need, RBI advises commercial banks on monetary matters
Capital gains arise when--- there is an increase in sales of a product there is a natural increase in value of property owned, you purchase a painting and there is a growth in its value due to increase in its popularity
Which measures result in increase in money supply in economy---purchase of gsecs from public by central bank, borrowing by govt from central bank
Which includes FDI in India----subsidiaries of companies in India, majority foreign equity holding in Indian companies, companies exclusively fin by foreign companies, portfolio investment
Price of any currency in international market is decided by the ---demand for goods/services provided by country concerned, stability of govt of concerned country economic potential of country in question
Basic aim of Lead Bank Scheme is that----individual banks should adopt particular districts for intensive development

India has experienced persistent and high food inflation in recent past because----increasing incomes and significant change in consumption patterns, food supply chain has structural constraints, gradual switch over to cultivation of commercial crops with steady decrease in area under cultivation of food grains
In terms of economy, visit by foreign nationals to witness XIX commonwealth games in India amounts to ------ export
Appropriate description of "fiscal stimulus" is ---- an intense affirmative action of govt to boost economic activity in the country
Actions that can help reduce CAD -- devaluing domestic currency, adopting suitable policies which attract greater FDI and more FIIs, reduction in export subsidy
Rapid increase in rate of inflation is sometimes attributed to base effect which means---- impact of price levels of previous year on calculation of inflation rate
Features of VAT ---- multi-point destination based system of taxation, tax levied on value addition at each stage of transaction in production-distribution chain, tax on fianl consumption of goods or services and must ultimately be borne by the consumer, basically subject of central govt with state govt as only a facilitator for successful implementation
"Closed economy" is an economy in which --- no import/export takes place
Karl Marx explained process of class struggle with help of ----- Dialectical materialism
Both FDI and FII are related to investment in a country, difference is----FII helps increase capital availability in general, while FDI only targets specific sectors
Mega food park scheme includes--- to provide good infra for food processing industries, to increase processing of perishable items and reduce wastage, to provide emerging and eco-friendly food processing technologies to entrepreneurs
Micro finance is provision of financial services to people of low income groups. This includes both consumers and self employed. Services rendered under micro finance are --- credit facilities, savings facilities, insurance facilities, fund transfer facilities
Wrt Look East policy of India----India wants to establish itself as imp regional player in East Asian affairs, wants to restore historical and cultural ties with neighbours in SE and E Asia, wants to plug vacuum created by termination of cold war
Regarding IMF ---- it grants loans to only member countries
Offering of "teaser loans" by commercial banks is a cause of concern because --- teaser loans are considered to be an aspect of sub prime lending and banks amy be exposed to risk of defaulters in future
For Indian economy, ----- growth rate of GDP has steadily increased in last 5 years, growth rate in per capita income has steadily increased in last 5 years (YES)
In India, highest share in disbursement of credit to agriculture and allied activities comes from ---- commercial banks coop banks, RRBs, MFIs
Reasons for govt disinvesting equity in CPSEs --- govt intends to use revenue earned from disinvestment mainly to pay back external debt, govt no longer intends to retain management control of CPSEs
Economic growth is usually coupled with----- inflation deflation, stagflation, hyperinflation
Lowering of Bank rate by RBI leads to ---- more liquidity in the market
Demographic dividend of India is due to---- high population in age group of 15-64 years
Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana features(scheme from 2007)
What benefits are available to the disabled in India?
What rights come under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What can aid furthering govt objective of 'inclusive growth' --- promoting SHG, promoting MSME, implementing RTE

Which of the following indicates a mechanism used by commercial banks for providing credit to the govt ---- SLR
Wrt NBFCs --- the cant engage in acq of g-secs, they cant accept demand deposits like savings account
What are targets and provs under FRBMA 2003
Lot of FDI comes from Mauritius because ---- we have DTAA with them(and they don’t have capital gains tax)
Size of economy and populations of China and India wrt other BRICS countries
Objective of NFSM is to increase production of certain crops(rice, wheat and pulses only) thru area expansion and productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner
Main ways of providing "fiscal stimulus" --- cut tax rates, raise govt spending
WPI, CPI--- how often are they released, weights of items in it, base years?
In India's FYPs, a shift in pattern of industrialization, with lower emphasis on heavy industries and more on infra begins in ----- 6th plan
Wrt Consumer Disputes Redressal at district level in India ----- District Forum entertains complaints where value of goods or services does not exceed 50 lakh INR
What is regulated by FMC ---- commodities futures trading
Wrt Banking Ombudsman ---- it is appointed by RBI (YES), it can consider complaints from NRIs with accounts in India (YES), it provides services for free (YES), it is quasi judicial and its orders are not final and binding---one can appeal to Appellate authority(dy gov of RBI)
Wrt LLP firms --- partnership and mgt need not be separate, internal governance may be decided by mutual agreement among partners, it is corporate body with perpetual succession, it is body corporate and legal entity separate from its partners, one partner is not liable for another partner's misconduct or negligence
Check 5 yearly trends of contributions of different tax streams to gross revenue
In India, taxes on transactions in Stock exchanges and futures market are ---- levied by Union, collected by states

Definition of IMR --- number of newborns dying under a year of age per 1000 live births
1st telegraph line in India was laid between Calcutta and Diamond Harbour
1st Export Processing Zone in India was setup at Kandla
Which are Direct Taxes --- Fringe Benefit tax, Interest tax, securities transaction tax
Dulhasti power station and Baglihar power projects are on --- Chenab
BK Chaturvedi committee was about ---- price reform in oil sector
Emergency proclamation, new elections and Janata party govt came during FYP # ---- 5
"Energy Statistics" publication is brought out by ---- CSO
MMTC is India's largest international trading org (YES)
Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited was set up by MMTC jointly with Govt of Orissa (YES)
Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices CACP sets MSP for 24 crops
[Minimum support prices are currently announced for 24 commodities including seven cereals (paddy, wheat, barley, jowar, bajra, maize and ragi); five pulses (gram, arhar/tur, moong, urad and lentil); eight oilseeds (groundnut, rapeseed/mustard, toria, soyabean, sunflower seed, sesamum, safflower seed and nigerseed); copra, raw cotton, raw jute and virginia flu cured (VFC) tobacco]
[Kharif : Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Maize, Tur(ahar), moong, urad, groundnut, sunflower, soyabean, sesamum, nigerseed, cotton] [wheat, barley, gram, lentil(masur), rapeseed/mustard, safflower] [other commercial: Jute, sugarcane, copra]
HQ of AWBI animal welfare board of India is at --- Chennai
2nd FYP emphasized on estb of heavy industries (YES), 3rd FYP introduced concept of import substitution as strategy for industrialization (YES)
NSD national school drama set up by Sangeet Natak Akademi in 1959, highest honour conferred by Sahitya Akademi on writer is by electing him its fellow (YES)

National Center for Cell Science Pune, Center for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Hyderabad, National Brain Research Center Gurgaon

SS Tarapore committee was constituted by RBI to set out framework for fuller capital account convertibility
Participatory Notes are associated with ----- Foreign Institutional Investors undp, kyoto protocol, CFI
Repo rate is rate at which RBI borrows from banks, while bank rate is rate at which banks borrow from RBI
Value of 1 for Gini coefficient implies perfect income equality
MCA 21 is major initiative taken up by GOI in areas of --- e governance
Contribution of different sectors to GDP ---[Services, Industry, Agriculture]
Correct decreasing order of production---Rice>wheat>coarse cereals>pulses

Balance of payments is a better picture of country's economic transactions with world than Balance of trade, because it accounts for both visible and invisible items
FRBMA concerns both fiscal and revenue deficit
Service tax is a ----indirect tax levied by central govt
Check trade profile of India, % of world trade, max to which countries, from which countries

NYSE is oldest stock exchange in world, Sensex is based on 50 most imp stocks available on BSE

India continues to depend on imports to meet requirement of oilseeds in country because --- farmers prefer to grown foodgrains with highly remunerative prices, most of cultivation of oil seed crops continue to depend on rainfall, oils from seeds of tree origin and rice bran have remained unexploited
India doesn’t export natural rubber because 97% of India's demand for natural rubber is met from domestic production
Rural sanitation is a subject in State list
NHB is wholly owned subsidiary of RBI and SIDBI is subsidiary to IDBI [check this might have changed now]
Check reco of 14th FC
Check MSP and FRP, APMC and FCI, Shanta Kumar

Debenture holders of a company are its --- creditors shareholders, debtors
Check Level of FDI % allowed in various sectors
Check new FTP foreign trade policy---released this year

WPI series, components, weightage
Components of M3 broad money
Might have changed---Check---External liabilities reported in Union budget are not based on historical exchange rates, continued high borrowing has kept real interest rates high in the economy, upward trend in ratio of fiscal deficit to GDP in recent years has an adverse effect on private investments, interest payments is single largest component of non-plan revenue expenditure of Union govt
India's external debt---owed to whom?
WIPO world intellectual property org-- UN org, HQ at Geneva
WDR world development report is annual publication of ---- IBRD/WB
Country is in debt trap means----it has to borrow to make interest payments on outstanding loans

Prices at which govt purchases food grains for maintaining PDS and building buffer stocks is known as ----procurement prices
NAIS and other insurance schemes---what do they cover
Internal debt comprises of ---market borrowing, T bills, Special securities issued to RBI
Check if RBI ---- handles borrowing program(who handles), acts as agent of govt in IMF(who reps India there)
Which are called direct taxes, which are indirect taxes
What is UNCTAD
What are WB group
National income = GNP-depreciation-IDT+subsidies
WPI is brought out by which ministry,

Definitions of boom(business activity at high level with increasing income, output and employment at macro level), recession(gradual fall of income, output and employment with business activity in low gear), depression(unprecedented level of under employment and unemployment, drastic fall in income, output employment), recovery(steady rise in general level of prices, income, output, employment)
Gilt edged market means ---- market of g secs
Y = C + I + G + (X-M)
1st Indian state to have its HDR prepared and released by Amartya Sen in Delhi is ---- MP

From balance sheet one can assess---size and compostion of assets and liabilities of a company(cant say about profitability, market share)
Devaluation of a currency may promote exports, because, price of country's products in international market may fall due to devaluation

White goods---items purchased for conspicuous consumption --- TV, AC, fridge, cooler
Region that supplies max import --- arrange in order
Dow Jones--USA, Hang Seng--Seoul, FTSE-100--London

EU members, Eurozone members, difference, EU org structure
Broad money M3 consists of?
HDI calculation method
Non-plan expenditurs --- subsidies, interest payments, defence expenditure, maintenance expenditure for infra created in previous plans
NI=NNP at FC = NNP at MP - IDT + subs

Arrange top 5 export items of India in increasing order, top 5 imported items

Check regulation areas of various financial regulatory authorities--- SEBI, RBI
Objectives and functions of CACP
What comes under plan and non-plan expenditures, is this classification required statutorily
WB group banks and functions
Agricultural income tax is assigned to State govt by ---- Constitution FC, ISC, NDC