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Tuesday, 23 February 2016

IC Engines 1

IC engines is a scoring area, there are usually straightforward questions from engine testing, carburetion or diesel injection, emissions, knocking etc. So, good returns on specific minimal effort. No need for PhD in engines.Below, I have taken up numericals first because 1.they are the scoring areas and need immediate attention., 2.they can be understood even with general sense of engines. Books usually put them in end. By that time, we know much about engines, but we run out of energy to push thru these tedious procedural questions.

Please feel free to give your inputs/corrections/suggestions on any topic or any solved question below. Do quote the Q no. ex 2015A3b20 or topic name while doing so. Cheers!

Difference between External combustion engine and Internal combustion engine

Basic engine parts, nomenclature, materials used, dimension terms

Classification of engines

4 stroke and 2 stroke engines, valve timings, differences

Engine testing numericals
ip, bp, n-ith, n-bth, n-m, n-v, isfc, bsfc, F/A, A/F
Balance sheet on minute basis

2015A3b20 Petrol engine, 4S, 9cyl, D=14.5cm, L=18cm, r=7, bp 350kW @ 2000rpm, when mix is 15% weak with 82.5%C ad 14.8% H2,  CV=47MJ/kg , vol eff=0.76 at 15degC, 1 bar, (eta-m)=0.9, R=0.287kJ/kgK, to find: (eta-ith)
Ans: Now, bp=350kW so, ip =bp/(eta-m)=350/0.9 =388.9kW
(eta-ith)=ip/(mf x CV) and (eta-v)= ma /( rho x pi D^2 L /4 x N/120 x n)
now that catch in the question is to get air mass rate ma and then A/F, then mf and hence eta-ith
so, ma= (eta-v) x RT/p x pi D^2 L /4 x N/2 x n
ma= 0.76 x 287 (273+15) /10^5 x pi x 0.145^2 x 0.18 /4 x 2000/120 x 9 = 0.28 kg/s
in above, i have used rho =RT/p gas eqn, vol of cyl =pi D^2 L/4, cycles per sec=N/(2x60), n=9 cyls
Now, consider 100kg fuel, mixed in stoichiometric ratio then
(82.5/12)C + (14.8/2)H2 +(aO2 + 79.1a/20.9 N2) -->bCO2 +dO2 + eN2 +fH2O
so, b=6.875, d=0 no excess air, a=d+b+f/2 = 0+6.875+7.4/2=10.575 kmoles(air required for stoichio)
So for 15% weak mix, air required =0.85 x 10.575 kmoles=8.98875 kmoles
so, ma=(ax32 + 79.1a/20.9 x28)= (32 + 79.1/20.9x28)x8.98875=1241.57kg/s when mf=100kg/s
or A/F=ma/mf=12.4157, so for ma=0.28 kg/s, mf=0.28/12.4157=0.02255 kg/s
(eta-ith)=388.9kW/(0.02255 kg/s x 47000 kJ/kg) = 0.367

Emissions related theory and numericals
Apparatus for measuring exhaust emissions

Gasoline engine emission control

Diesel smoke and control

Air standard cycles

Stirling 1816


Constant volume or Otto

Diesel cycle

Dual cycle


Joule or Brayton cycle

Fuel air cycles and actual cycles(no numericals from here, don't break your head over them)
Assumptions made in fuel air cycle

Loss due to variation of specific heat on p-v diagram

Effect of disassociation on temperature at different mixture strength, and on power

Effect of variable on p, T in cylinder
1.compression ratio

2.F/A ratio
   -on efficiency
   -on max power
   -on max temp
   -on max pr
   -on exhaust temp
   -on mep

Losses in an actual cycle
-Time losses
-Direct heat losses
-Exhaust blowdown loss
-Pumping losses
-Rubbing friction loss

Combustion in SI engines

Effect of engine variables on ignition lag
-mixture ratio
-initial p,T
-electrode gap

Effect of engine variables on flame propagation
-F/A ratio
-compression ratio
-intake p,T
-engine load
-engine speed
-engine size

p-theta for different rates of combustion

Abnormal combustion


Effects of detonation

Theories of detonation

Factors affecting detonation

Control of detonation

knock evaluation in cfr engine(Philips knock meter)

Abnormal combustion knock(surface ignition)
-wild ping, rumble etc

CC design principles

CC desings
-T head
-I head
-F head

Combustion in CI engines

A/F ratio in CI engines

Delay period or ignition lag

Variables affecting delay period

Diesel knock

Methods of controlling diesel knock(reduce delay period)

Methods of generating swirl


Cold starting

SI vs CI engines, comparison

Fuels and additives
Fuel desirable properties
Refining process

Volatility and effect on engine performance
-cold and hot starting
-vapour lock

Knock rating
-octane number
Effect of fuel structure on knocking

Diesel fuels
-flash point, fire point, viscosity, cloud point, pour point
Cetane number

Diesel index
Aniline point
API gravity


Fuels for gast turbines and jet engines

Alternative fuels
Methanol, Ethanol

Volumetric efficiency
factors affecting
-inlet air temp
-inlet and exhaust pr
-inlet mach number
-piston speed and engine size
-induction heat transfer
-valve timing

-A/F for max power, max sfc

Automotive engine operation F/A ranges
-idling and low loadm cruising, max power

Simple carburettor(no need to look at variants)
Theory and formula for simple carb

Exact analysis, considering compressibility

Electronic fuel injection--features, compare with conv carburetion

Altitude compensation

Diesel injection
Heat release diagram

Types of injection systems(no need for details, only overview)

Numericals on quantity of fuel per cycle, nozzle orifice size

Ignition, Lube system, cooling system

objective, p-v diagram compare

Effect on engine performance
-on power output

-on mechanical efficiency

-on fuel consumption

Gas turbine cycle
p-v and efficiency calcs

Monday, 15 February 2016

Heat and mass transfer hmt

--Fourier, Laplace, Possion
--General, cylindrical, spherical equations
CSE2007A2b40 solved
--Steady state 1-D, Linear system
CSE2014A1e10 solved
IFOS2007A4b10 solved
IFOS2009A3c20 solved
CSE2009A1d20 solved
CSE2013A1e10 solved
CSE2003B6b20 solved
--Critical thickness of insulation
IFOS2004A1e10 solved
--Heat source
CSE2008A1b20 solved
IFOS2007A1d10 solved
IFOS2006A3a20 solved
IFOS2006A3b10 solved
--Nuclear fuel rod
CSE2012A2b20 solved
--Fins(conductive-convective systems), fin efficiency, fin effectiveness
CSE2014A3b20 solved
CSE2012A1b12 solved
CSE2006A4b30 solved
CSE2005B6b30 solved
IFOS2010B5d8 solved IFOS2011A1d10 solved
IFOS2013B5d10 unsolved
IFOS2004A4b25 solved
--Lumped heat capacity system
CSE2007B5d20 solved
CSE2006A1b20 solved
CSE2010A1c20 solved

--Newton's law of cooling
CSE2004B6a30 solved
--Viscous flow basics, terminology
CSE2009A3c15 solved
--Laminar boundary layer on a flat plate
CSE2013A4c10 unsolved
IFOS2012A2b10 unsolved
--Energy equation of boundary layer
--Thermal boundary layer equations
--Relation b/w fluid friction and heat transfer(Reynolds-Colburn analogy)
CSE2012B5b12 solved
IFOS2009A1d10 unsolved
--Turbulent boundary layer heat transfer
--Turbulent boundary layer thickness
--Laminar tube flow heat transfer
CSE2003B5b20 solved
--Turbulent tube flow heat transfer
--Forced convection empirical relations
CSE2012A4a20 solved
CSE2010A3b20 solved
CSE2004B6b30 solved
--Natural convection
CSE2013A4b15 solved
CSE2009A4b30 solved
CSE2008A2b20 solved
CSE2006A1d20 solved
IFOS2006A3c10 solved
IFOS2011A4b20 solved
(Kirchoff law, Gray body, Shape factor, Non-black bodies exchange heat, Infinite parallel planes)
Notes on radiation
CSE2014A1d10 solved
CSE2014A4a20 solved
CSE2012B8a20 solved
CSE2011A1c15 unsolved
CSE2010A3c20 solved
CSE2008A2a40 solved
CSE2007A1d20 solved CSE2005B6a30 solved
CSE2007A2a20 solved
CSE2013A1d10 solved
IFOS2010A1e8 solved

Following are unsolved IFOS questions on radiation(least I can do is bring all questions in one place)
unsolved radiation 1
unsolved radiation 2

Heat exchangers--overall heat transfer coefficient
IFOS2013B5a5 solved
--fouling factor
IFOS2012A3b10 solved
CSE2011A3a20 solved
CSE2012B6b20 solved
IFOS2012B8b10 solved
IFOS2005A4a20 solved
IFOS2006A4c15 solved
--effectiveness-NTU method
IFOS2011A1e10 IFoS2005A1e10 solved

CSE2013A3c20 unsolved CSE2005B5a20 unsolved CSE2006A2a30 unsolved CSE2013A4a25 unsolved
CSE2014A2c10 unsolved CSE2010A4c20 unsolved
CSE2009A4a30 solved
CSE2006A4a30 solved
CSE2004B5a20 solved CSE2003B5a20 solved
IFOS2012B7a10 solved
--boilers and condensors
CSE2003B6a40 solved

Mass transfer
-Fick's law of diffusion
-mass transfer coefficient
-Prandtl, Schmidt, Lewis
IFOS2004B5b10 unsolved

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Theory of machines tom

Mechanisms and machines
Types of joints, Grubler, Kutzbach
Linkages, mechanisms
4 bar linkage, mech adv, transmission angle
Slider crank linkage
double slider crank linkage
Miscellaneous mechanisms
Lower pairs
Engine indicator
Steering gears
Hooke joint, double Hooke

inclined plane, screw thread
Pivots and collars
Roller bearing
Journal bearing
Belts, ropes
Open and cross belt drives
Velocity ratio and slip
Law of belting
Power transmitted, centrifugal effect,  max power
Law of gearing,Teeth profiles, path of contact, art of contact, contact ratio, Interference in involute gears, minimum number of teeth
Gear trains
simple, compound, reverted, planetary or epicyclic gear trains, automotive transmission, differentials

Engine force analysis
Turning moment diagram, fluctuation of energy
Balancing of engines--primary and secondary

engine flywheel, punching press
Watt, Porter, Proell, Hartner, Hartung, Inertia governor
Sensitiveness, hunting, isochronism, stability, effort, power, controlling force

free longitudinal, damped vibrations, log decrement, Forced vibrations, Forced damped, MF
vibration isolation and transmissibility, Forcing due to unbalance,Forcing due to support motion

Notes on vibrations
Transverse vibrations
Torsional vibrations
free torsional, multifilar

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Basic thermodynamics BThm

bthm sub topic list to check on status
basic thermo quick recap hand written notes
These notes largely follow flow of book by PK Nag, page numbers are mentioned where I could not fill in due to paucity of time

A set of solved questions from previous year Engineering Service Exams.. Good for quick recap
ESE solved

Zeroth Law of thermodynamics[basis of temperature measurement]
When a body A is in thermal equilibrium with a body B and also separately with a body C, then B and C will be in thermal equilibrium with each other
5 types of thermometers
Thermometric property
Constant Volume gas

Constant pressure gas

Electrical resistance
Platinum wire is one of the Wheatstone bridge arms
Thermal emf
Seebeck effect, is quick to catch up as the junction bead is small
Hg in glass

Before 1954, ice point and steam point were used as fixed points and temperature was inter or extrapolated based on the measurement, but after 1954 proportionality is used with fixed point at 273.16K which is triple point of water and is easily reproducible
For higher temperatures(above Gold point 1064 degC), optical method is used where wavelength of radiation is measured and using Planck’s equation  temperature is calculated
ITS-90 is a revised temperature scale that was adapted in 1990, has added more fixed points so that scale conforms with the temperature scale based on 2nd law of thermodynamics(Kelvin scale)
System types: Closed, Isolated, Open
Adiabatic wall is impermeable to heat flow while diathermic wall allows heat flow
Types of processes:Isochoric, Isobaric/isopiestic, isothermal, isentropic, adiabatic
(should plot these on T-s, p-V and remember index of each process(n) used in pVn=constant
Intensive properties are independent of mass/size of system, while extensive are dependent
Energy is capacity of doing work and is either in storage(internal energy) or is in transit(work or heat transfer). Internal energy is a point function and a property, but energy transfer occurs at boundary of system and is usually a path function.
Heat transfer is a boundary phenomenon that occurs by virtue of temperature difference
Work transfer occurs in many ways—displacement(pdV), shaft work ,film surface area change, axial pull, magnetization, flow work, paddle work. In general for these, inexact differential work=intensive.d(extensive) for ex. dW=p.dV
1st law of thermodynamics
Heat and work are different forms of the same entity called energy which is conserved
For a closed system undergoing a cycle: ∑W=J. ∑Q
For a closed system undergoing change of state: Q-W=∆E
Proof of energy being a property

Consider a system going from state 1 to 2 by path A and coming back from state 2 to 1 in possible paths B and C.
Then, for each we can write, Q-W=∆E
Now for the cycle A-B, we can write ∑W= ∑Q and same for cycle A-C, which then leads to ∆EA = -∆EB = -∆EC
So, E is not dependent on path B or C and is a point function or a property.

Internal energy components: macroscopic(macro KE mV2/2 and macro PE mgh) + microscopic (molecular motion, vibration, chemical, nuclear etc)
PMM1 perpetual motion machine type 1 is one that produces work continuously without any other form of energy disappearing at the same time, violating 1st law

1st law applied to flow processes
Control volume: a specific region in space under consideration, Control surface: surface of CV
Steady flow: rates of flow of mass and energy are constant(not changing with time)
Steady state: any thermodynamic property not changing with time at a particular location
For a flow process there is:
Mass balance, m1=m2 and
Energy balance, first balancing work transfer(work transfer=external work+flow work) Eqn 1:
Assuming there is no accumulation of energy in the system, energy in = energy out then Eqn 2:
 Where , e=ek+ep+u = V2/2 +Zg + u  ---(3)
When we put eqn (3) and (1) in (2) we can combine u with pv terms and we get h(enthalpy), thus we get the SFEE or steady flow energy equation
With bit of moving terms around, we can write the differential form of the same as
Furthermore, applying conditions of a inviscid incompressible(ρ=constant) flow without work and heat transfer, internal energy remaining constant, we end up with Bernoulli equation
Nozzles diffusers
dQ=0, dW=0, dZ=0
h1+ V12/2=h2 +V22/2
Throttling devices
dQ=0, dW=0, dZ=0, V1, V2 too small
Well insulated, velocities often small, dZ=0
Heat exchanger
Well insulated, small velocities, dZ=0
mch1+ mhh2= mch3+ mhh4
The above equations are good to know but there is another big category from where many interesting questions are often asked, which is on tank charging/discharging.
These are beyond SFEE and are sometimes called Variable flow problems.
The  general equation (which becomes simpler applying conditions given in question) is:

2nd law of thermodynamics
1st law says heat(low grade) and work(high grade) are energy itself, only different forms, but 2nd law clarifies that they are not completely interchangeable
Kelvin-Planck statement: It is impossible for a heat engine to produce net work in a complete cycle if it exchanges heat only with body at a single fixed temperature

Clausis statement: It is impossible to construct a device which, operating in a cycle, will produce no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cooler to a hotter body
Proof of equivalence of the two statements

Reversible process: is carried out infinitely slowly with an infinitesimal gradient, so that every state passed thru by system is an equilibrium state
Causes of irreversibility:
--lack of equilibrium during the process(finite gradient) like heat transfer thru finite temperature difference, free expansion, lack of pressure equilibrium
--involvement of dissipative effects like friction, paddle wheel work transfer, electricity thru resistor
Types of irreversibility:
--internal: caused by internal dissipative effects, within the system ex friction, turbulence, electrical resistance, magnetic hysteresis
--external: occurs at system boundaries, like heat thru finite ∆T, chemical concentration gradient, pressure gradient
So, Conditions for reversibility:
--system is at all times inifinitesimally near a state of thermodynamic equilibrium and
--in absence of dissipative effect of any form
Carnot cycle
Processes, equations, diagram
Carnot’s theorem and proof:
Of all heat engines operating between a given constant temperature source and a given constant temperature sink, none has higher efficiency than a reversible engine
Absolute thermodynamic temperature scale based on Carnot cycle:

Proof of ideal gas temperature=Kelvin temperature

3rd law of thermodynamics:
Nernst statement: It is impossible for any method to lead to isotherm of T=0 in a finite number of steps
Also stated that entropy of a system at absolute zero is a well defined constant, which later came to be zero, found using statistical mechanics(S-S0=kBlnΩ. kB is Boltzmann constant and Ω is number of microstates consistent with the macroscopic configuration
Fowler-Guggenheim statement: It is impossible by any procedure, no matter how idealized, to reduce any system to the absolute zero of temperature in a finite number of operations

Proof that 2 reversible adiabatic paths cant cross each other

Clausius theorem

Proof of entropy being a property

Clausius inequality
Entropy change in an irreversible process

Entropy principle and its applications

Entropy transfer with heat flow

Entropy generation in a closed system
Entropy generation in an open system

Property relations combining 1st and 2nd laws:
Exergy of a system at a given state is the maximum work that can be extracted from it till it reaches the state of thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings
It provides a measure of the quality of energy(at higher temperature, quality of same quantity of energy is higher than one at lower temperature)

Exergy of heat input in a cycle:

Decrease in exergy when heat is transferred thru a finite ∆T

Exergy of a finite body at temperature T

Exergy POV: 1st law says energy quantity is conserved, and 2nd law says energy quality always degrades

Proof that maximum work is done in a reversible process

Proof that work done in all reversible processes is the same

Exergy of a closed system
Exergy of a steady flow system
Exergy in chemical reactions and Gibb’s function

Irreversibility and Guoy-Stodola Theorem

Exergy balance
Exergy balance for closed system

Exergy principle

Exergy balance for a steady flow system
2nd law efficiency

Properties of pure substances
p-V-T diagrams of water

Terminology: critical point, vapour pressure
NBP normal boiling point=temperature at which vapour pressure=760mm
Saturation pressure and temperature
Critical point of water

p-V, p-T, T-s. h-s(Mollier) diagram for pure substance

Measurement of steam quality
Throttling calorimeter

Separating and throttling calorimeter

Electrical calorimeter

Properties of gases-EOS equations of state
Ideal gas equation

Proof of Joule’s law u=f(T)

Variation of Cp with temperature for various substances

Entropy change of an ideal gas

Processes, equations, expressions for ∆h, ∆u, W
--Reversible adiabatic
--reversible isothermal
Equations of state:
Van der Waal

Virial expansions

Law of corresponding states, Boyles’ temperature

Dalton’s law of partial pressures

Amagat’s law of additive volumes

Properties of gas mixtures, u,h,Cp, S

Maxwell relations and others
Maths of it

Maxwell’s equations

TdS equations

Difference in heat capacities

Ratio of heat capacities

Energy equation

Joule-Kelvin effect

Clausius Clapeyron equation

Thermodynamic properties from an EOS

Types of equilibrium, conditions of stability

Rankine cycle, efficiency, heat rate, steam rate

Reheat cycle

Ideal regenerative cycle

Reheat-regenerative cycles

Binary vapour cycles

Coupled cycles

Cogneration plant

Gas power cycles
Carnot 1824

Stirling 1827

Ericsson 1850

Otto 1876

Diesel 1892


Lenoir/pulse jet



Aircraft propulsion



Monday, 8 February 2016

Plan for ESE 2016

I do not intend to appear for ESE 2016 but if I were to prepare for it given the time frame, here is how I would go about it.
Exam date is 27 May 2016
So, leaving out the week of exam, we have 15 weeks including this week itself.
Now considering that syllabus can be divided into 12 parts roughly, we dont have time to give 1 topic 1 week. So, we have to already jump to next stage of evolution, which is more demanding, but not impossible.
We have to pickup 1 topic each from both papers and run them in 1 week, so our planning horizon would be of 6 weeks, which gives ample scope for round 2 and revision there after. Only problem is that if one joins test series of any sort then one has to take care to sync plan with test schedule else many topics would be repeated and many topics would go untouched.

Now let me be clear, I am not endorsing any test series, but the fact is that many people seek Made Easy test series. So lets look at their schedule. First, it starts from March and they have put 2 topics from same paper in a week and most of them are heavy weights so, it is possible that one would barely be able to cover them. Besides, as I have pointed in my previous post, the ranking you get in these test series is hardly an indicator of your ability or chance of success, but they should help give you pump and bit of indignation, but not much frustration.
So, we will plan to take a headstart and cover the basic topics first so that, we can easily cope with the test schedule when it starts.

Week 01: Feb 07-13 SOM BThm
Week 02: Feb 14-20 TOM HMT
Week 03: Feb 21-27 Mtrls  ICE
Week 04: Feb 28-05 Mfg PPE
Week 05: Mar 06-12 IPM RAC
Week 06: Mar 13-19 MD Fluids/GD
In this stage, effort will be cover all previous year questions and get the basics right.

Then next stage is to shorten the planning horizon by going for shorter cycle time. On completing the syllabus in above manner, we find that we can club together some subjects and finish them in 1 week.
The target here is to revise previous year question types, go deeper and improve recall capacity.
Week07: Mar 20-26 SOM/TOM/MD
Week08: Mar 27-02 Mtrls Mfg IPM
Week09: Apr 03-09 Bthm HMT RAC
Week10: Apr 10-16 Fluids, Fans, Turbines, GD
Week11: Apr17-23 ICE PPE Steam

Next stage is to bring down 1 paper in a week for revision. Then we keep revising and that's it. All you have to do is, take a white board and start scribbling by recalling the topic and on and on, till you can write down everything straight from your mind.
Then my friends, you will be ready to cruise into the list.