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Opinions shared here are personal and not related to my professional position or capacity. Aim is to work on improving lives of people, with truth and service.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Industrial Engg

Industrial engineering is a scoring topic, as it is largely procedural. One has to know the flowchart of solving certain types of questions, then on it is simply clockwork, easy marks. But, the challenge, is the large number of types of questions.
The syllabus given by UPSC for this topic is as follows:

Manufacturing management:
System Design: factory location--simple OR models; plant layout-method based; applications of engineering economic analysis and break even analysis for product selection, process selection and capacity planning; predetermined time standards
[decoded: location, LP, break even, PTS]
System planning: forecasting methods based on regression and decomposition, design and balancing of multimodel and stochastic assembly lines; inventory management--probabilistic inventory models for order time and order quantity determination;JIT systems; strategic sourcing, managing inter plant logistics
[decoded: forecasting, line balancing, queuing theory, EOQ, JIT, TSP]
System operations and control: scheduling algorithms for job shops; applications of statistical methods for product and process quality control-applications of control charts for mean, range, %defective, defects per unit; quality cost systems; management of resources, organization and risks in projects
[decoded: job sequencing, SPC, PERT]
System improvement: implementation of systems such as total quality management, developing and managing flexible, lean and agile organizations
[decoded: TQM, TPS, kanban, lean mfg]

Following above sequence of topics for study is cumbersome. So, better catch easy topics and move towards more abstract and rigorous topics.

Probabilistic analysis
CSE2011B6e10 solved CSE2010B5b12 solved
CSE2011B6e10 solved CSE2010B5b12 solved

Breakeven analysis
CSE2006B5c20 solved
CSE2004B5c20 solved
CSE2008B5c20 solved

CSE2004B8a30 solved
CSE2014B5d10 solved
CSE2003B8b30 solved

CSE2005B7c20 unsolved
This was the last time a question appeared on simplex. Then after 10 years in 2015 simplex re appeared in CSE. Beware and if you want to score 250+, dont leave out topics, like me

Inventory theory
CSE2008B8c25 solved
CSE2009B6b20 solved
CSE2013B7c15 unsolved

Inventory ABC analysis
CSE2007B5c20 solved

Forecasting theory
CSE2009B7c20 solved
CSE2008B7a30 solved
CSE2005B7b10 solved
CSE2013B6d20 solved
CSE2009B5c20 solved

Job sequencing theory
CSE2009B8c20 solved
CSE2012B6c10 solved
CSE2007B7a30 unsolved   -- too long, time killer
CSE2005B5d20 solved
CSE2004B7b30 solved

Queuing layout and line balancing theory
CSE2004B5d20 solved
CSE2009B6c20 solved
Workcenter grouping/line balancing
CSE2012B5d12 solved
CSE2013B7a25 solved

Work study theory
CSE2012B5e12, CSE2012B8b10, CSE2010B5a12
CSE2011B7a30 solved
CSE2007B8b30 solved
CSE2006B5d20 solved
CSE2003B5d20 solved
CSE2005B5c20 unsolved, refer theory

PERT CPM theory
CSE2009B7b20 solved
CSE2008B7b30 solved
CSE2007B7b30 unsolved
CSE2006B7b30 solved

SQC theory
Quality cost
CSE2009B5d8 solved
CSE2004B7a10 solved
CSE2012B7a5 solved
CSE2010B7b30 unsolved
CSE2013B6b10 unsolved
CSE2006B8b20 solved
CSE2008B5d20 unsolved
CSE2013B8a20 solved
CSE2004B7a20 unsolved
CSE2003B8a30 unsolved
CSE2005B7a30 unsolved

Value analysis
CSE2003B5c20 solved
Automation theory
CSE2004B5b20 solved
Kanban theory
JIT TPS lean ops
CSE2010B8a30 solved
CSE2014B8a20 solved
CSE2012B7a15 solved

CSE2010B5e12 solved

TSP theory
CSE2010B8b30 unsolved
CSE2003B7b30 unsolved

Assignment problems
CSE2006B7a30 solved
CSE2011B8a30 solved

That's all folks..
Google drive link to folder containing all of the above files: IPM


  1. Hello sir, Thanks a ton for uploading the papers and strategy, without it i can not imagine of preparing Mechanical. Thank you very much!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sir ,which books to refer for industrial engineering?

  4. Hello sir,
    Thanks for uploading All Subject Question papers and strategy, without it i cant imagine of preparing Mechanical easy way.Thank you very much!!its really helpful my preparation lot of thanks sir!!!
